Yesterday, October 10, 2023, we celebrated World Mental Health Day.
An event organized by the Cuida la Vida Association, Hospital Sisters, Salut mental Gràcia and us, the Arapdis Association. With the collaboration of Activament, Hèstia, the Associació Insania, Obertament, the University of Barcelona and the District of Gràcia.
With microphone in hand, all that person who struggles day by day, had the opportunity to invite us to go inside and tell us all those personal experiences, reflections and their own story.
We had the participation of professionals in the field who explained to us how public policies work when they encounter people affected by some mental disorder.
We thank everyone who was present and we hope you enjoyed it.
And to the brave and brave who stood in front of the open microphone, do not stop participating and explain your experiences, you will surely help many people who are currently experiencing it themselves, or a family member or a friend.
Event organized by:
In collaboration with:
#associacioarapdis #salutmental #salutmentalcatalunya #parlemobertament #microfonobert #gentvalenta #trastornsmentals #gràcia #experiencies