Social Club


The Social Club is a specialized social service to improve the social ties and skills and competencies of people with mental disorders through the meaningful occupation of free time.

Offering a relational framework that promotes a network of friendship that encourages mutual support, as well as participation in the life of the community in which users live.

Variès mans juntes a sobre un tronc d'arbre

General objectives

The purpose of the social club is to promote an increase in socialization and, therefore, the personal autonomy and quality of life of the service users.

Internal activities

They are organized by the structure of the social club and carried out by users at its headquarters, with the support of professionals and the infrastructure of the Social Club.

External activities

The Social Club service must work in and with the community environment to promote contact with people and resources in the community. Activities that encourage this approach are considered external, whether they are outside or in the service headquarters.

Self-organized activities

They are the activities organized by users with the indirect support of the service structure, through previously supervised work groups. The club’s activity is the planning, supervision, and promotion of autonomous use of leisure and not the execution itself.

Want more information?

To request information, fill out the form on the contact page and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

We will organize a free “Social Assistance Assessment and Orientation Visit” to learn more about your case and o visit the facilities.